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10 Popular Misconceptions About Scholarships

In earlier days, it was not that easy for students to get scholarships in India. But with time, students now have more access to scholarship websites, helping them get proper funding for their studies. It’s a great way for students to get financial help to achieve their dreams. But, over the years, students over-thought whether to apply for scholarships or not. Want to know why? Because of the many misconceptions and myths that have surrounded scholarships in India. As we witness advancements in every sector, scholarship online has made academic careers an easy task. It has become quite easy for students to appear for scholarship tests and choose professional careers of choice. But honestly, there are a few myths and misconceptions that become an obstacle for students to believe in the process. Don’t you fret! Below are some common ten popular misconceptions about scholarships in India!

Popular Scholarship Online Myths

Searching for scholarships in India can be quite a tiring task. Additionally, myths and misconceptions make it even worse for students. But, we don’t want you to feel that way. So, before you put in your precious time and effort into searching for scholarship tests, it is always good to level up your knowledge about the misconception of the scholarship. So, scroll below to know some of the most popular and common misconceptions about scholarship websites. 

  • No Proper funding

It is total disbelief that scholarships do not offer proper funding. Unfortunately, though, it is true in some cases but not in many. Many organisations offer both full and partial scholarships. Organizations that provide partial ones, allow students to take loans or another scholarship as well. Whereas, small scholarships that cover living, food, travel, are also very helpful. Be it a small amount or a big amount, financial assistance is great to manage educational expenses.

  • Time-Consuming Process

The time has changed from the time students applied for scholarships offline to now when students apply for scholarships online. It hardly takes any time to explore websites and fill scholarship forms, making it a time-saving process. There is no need for students to physically visit shops, take out printouts, and go for submission forms. Instead, all you as students need to do to fill in the correct email id with some more information. Even if it is long-form, online advancements have made the process easier & quicker. Thus, applying for scholarships is not at all a time-consuming process.

  • Only For Minorities, Low-Income Students, or Athletes

Scholarships for student-athletes, low-income students, or minorities fall under some government initiatives. But, there are a lot of private institutions that do not focus on such categories.  For example, some conduct an exam, whereas some go by application essays that students write. Therefore, students should not neglect private scholarships in India.

  • You Should Be Socially Committed 

One of the most popular misconceptions about scholarships in India is that you should be socially committed. The reason is the main selection criteria at some larger organisations. Yes, it’s a fact that social commitment is one of the criteria for some scholarships, there are many where this has no relevance. Therefore, you can still get a scholarship online even if you are not a member of some community work.

  • Only For High School Seniors

Many students believe that scholarships in India are always available for post-graduation and graduation. This is not at all the case as scholarships are available for school children as well. There are a lot of organisations that focus on students studying in junior and middle school. The students can stay updated with such events by staying in touch with their respective teachers. So, it’s a nice idea to take help from their teachers to become aware of such events.

  • Only For Students With High Grades

This misconception is a big No-No. Students do not need to have a perfect academic record to apply for a scholarship in India. Different scholarships have different eligibility criteria, such as from a student’s hometown or a country to their parent's occupation. Not every organisation wishes to reward the high score performers, some also wish to help average and needy students. In short, you should always make sure to check the eligibility criteria of the programs of your interest. 

  • It Takes Long To Apply For Scholarships

It’s time to ditch the misconception that it takes too long to apply for scholarships. In reality, these application processes are quite simple and less time-consuming. They are done on emails and therefore require less information while you apply for a job. So, if you become successful, it’ll be easy for you to focus on your studies. But having said that, few scholarships require more detail too.

  • Competition Is Too High

It’s quite a common misconception that competition for scholarships in India is very high. This is only because most students opt for well-known and famous programs. But many institutions do not have many applicants. So, students should look for programs that ask for more than an essay or fewer rewards. The best part about them is that the competition is less and chances of a student winning scholarships increase.

  • Offered At The Beginning Of A Course

Many scholarships are for students with a professional degree. But for a lot of organisations, the study stage isn’t relevant. This means it is okay to find scholarships even if you are in the last semester of your studies.

  • They Are Only A Few Scholarships

Many government and big scholarships get advertised on a high level, leaving students to wonder that they are less in number. These misconceptions need to go away as the students need to remain updated with new scholarships. You can do it with the help of TV, radio, newspapers, the internet etc.

It’s better late than never. Therefore all students should give time and research well in finding scholarships in India for themselves. So, now that you know what are a few common myths and misconceptions related to scholarships, hope we’ve created a new way of thinking for you! All the best!